Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What is "Flagship Blog?"

Sought after blogs receive a lot of page views every day. In a day, it may reach over a thousand viewers, and if it’s interesting enough it can influence how a person perceives things around him. That is the power of creative writing. You make people see things your way. And these blogs that I am referring to, not only get loads of views but it also make wads of money. The bloggers update their web pages as often as possible. Through updating their site, they attract a large number of traffic.

In the world of Online Marketing Business, traffic converts to revenues.

On the previous blog I’ve written, one of the strategies I’ve mentioned was FLAGSHIP BLOG. So what exactly is Flagship Blog?

When we say flagship blog, it is something that you blog about the most often. In my own words it’s your “signature,” as a blogger.

The blog that you’ll choose as your flagship blog should be about something that you know really well. Say for example, you can talk about MOVIES. Well, if I will choose a topic it’ll be about that. I am a huge fan of movies, genre is irrelevant. So if I am to come up with a blog, my flagship will most likely be about movies. I can give my readers the plot of a certain movie that’s currently in theaters and give my honest opinion about it.

The best thing about blog is that traffic comes to it naturally. People who are interested on the topic you are discussing will most likely become an avid follower. Soon enough, they will be prescribing you to friends and colleagues.

It is true that flagship blogging is time consuming. If you don’t want to outsource the content creation and some other stuff that needs to be done, expect to invest a lot of YOUR TIME and EFFORT. As tiring as it seems, it’ll be all worth it once you’ve established your blog. One of the best things about flagship blog is the ROI (Return of Investment).

You will eventually make money from writing you flagship blogs. You can charge for ad posting, and also use Pay Per Click advertising. See? Isn’t that easy? You are writing about something that you really like, and you’re earning something from it as well. To be successful in this industry always remember DO NOT SLACK.


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing such lovely post! I had no idea about flagship blog. Truly worthy blog.

  2. william -- Thank you so much william. It is indeed useful especially for people who want to make it big in the blogging industry. Again, thank you for taking the time to read. :)

  3. Joseph -- Hi there! That was really nice of you to say so. Just trying to give new bloggers an idea of how Flagship blog works...I hope it helps. Thank you Joseph.
