Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Traffic! Traffic! Traffic!

After developing your website, you sit down and say to yourself, "Hah! Finally I can rest and wait for the checks to pour in." Uhm…do you really think its done? No, sir. Developing / putting up your own website is just the tip of the iceberg. There is more to it than putting up a website. You have to device ways of DRIVING TRAFFIC TO YOUR WEBSITE.

Before we dwell into the tips I think it is important that we define what’s the meaning of, "Driving traffic to your website."

After publishing your website you have to think of ways to tell people about it. In short you need to lure people to it. The more visitors your site gets the higher the chances of closing a sale.

So how do you attract people to your website?

1. Presentation - when we talk about presentation it's the overall impact that your website makes. We are talking about the design, the appeal to visitors, and some more stuff that has something to do with our sense of sight.

2. Easy navigation – Have you ever encountered a gadget that you don’t know how to work? After a few minutes of attempting to figure it out, you end up saying, "I’ve had it with this thing!" Of course you set that thing aside and never touch it again. We all had this moment one time or another. It is the same thing with using an internet website. If a visitor cannot figure out how to work it, chances are they will end up closing it and they’ll never attempt to browse the same website ever. So, there goes a possible sale for you.

As you see, it is important that your website is easy to use. A lot of people will not waste their time trying to understand how it works. Not everyone is patient always remember that.

3. Marketable – on the website that you will publish make sure the following is clear:
  • The goal and purpose of the site (help people live better lives, give customers what they’ve been looking for, etc.)
  • Who you work with. Brand names are important to some customers so make sure that you mention whom you are working with.
Also remember, people believe in the product if they see someone actually trying it, and saying, "Hey! It does work! You should try it too." So do not forget to include some testimonials from actual people who have tried your product. This increases the product’s credibility and your credibility as a marketer.

4. Awareness – make your website known to people. If people are not going to visit it then it’s no use. Increase awareness by posting blogs, joining forums, joining social networks, create a video, emails, etc.

There is a hundred and one ways to attract people to visit your website. I only chose to mention a few so as not to overwhelm you. Websites are a huge factor in a company’s success, so make sure to do it right!

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