Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good Sales Copy - 7 Important Elements of a Good Sales Copy

Being able to write a winning sales copy is crucial to the success of your online business. Sales copy should be given a lot of thought and should be written with care. Up to this day there are still many questions surrounding what makes a good sales copy? I am pretty sure that there are still a lot of people out there wondering how to come up with a good sales copy.

If your website gets constant flow of traffic however you are not making sales at all, then the first thing that you need to look at and review would be your sales copy. Most probably the sales copy you have put up is not convincing enough or it is just not a good sales copy all together.

The goal of all internet marketers is to make money, and the main tool used in this industry is the sales copy however if that sales copy is not performing that well then we might be forced to close shop soon.

If you want to come up with a good sales copy then you should know that there are important elements that you have to include in your sales copy. If any of those are missing then you might have an incomplete sales page which will lead to low or no sales at all.

So, here are the important elements that should be included if you want to come up with a good sales copy.

Good Sales Copy Element #1: The headline

The headline can be considered as the most important part of your sales copy since that is what captures your visitors’ attention. Once you have captured their attention with your sales copy headline then you should be able to encourage them to read on the body of the sales copy.

You have approximately a couple of seconds to capture the attention of your prospects before they leave your page never to return. Now with a good sales copy headline which should include the greatest benefit of your product or service, capturing your prospect’s attention will be easy.

In short the headline should be benefit driven, attention grabbing and made to persuade the reader of your sales copy to keep reading.

Good Sales Copy Element #2: Present a solid guarantee

Trust is important in every aspect of life more so if you are doing business. Trust is significant in the buying process and customers are getting more cautious of the advertising that they see with how tight the money is these day this is not surprising anymore. And if you are able to offer a 100%, no questions asked, money back guarantee then you would be able to increase their buying confidence at the same time give them assurance that you are legitimate and might encourage them to make a purchase.

Good Sales Copy Element #3: Provide bonuses for added value

Even though your product may already well go over the selling price that you are asking, providing an additional package that will enhance your customer’s previous purchases will add more value to the product hence it will your sales quite a bit. Just keep in mind that it should be highly relevant to the original item.

Good Sales Copy Element #4: Create a sense of urgency

Say for example your prospect has gone through your sales page and all that and they are now pretty much interested in what you are offering you will now have to give them good reason to buy. You can achieve this by limiting the quantity of the products or services you are offering for example, "This product is only available for the first 100 customers. In creating a sense of urgency you should be able to increase your conversion.

Good Sales Copy Element #5: Be sure that you place a strong call to action

If you are new in the marketing business you might feel a bit shy about asking your customers for their orders. You might feel like you are pressuring them into buying. However, have you ever thought that your customers might not buy unless you ask for it?

It would be to your advantage to provide multiple opportunities in your sales copy for them to buy with statements like, "Click Here Now to Take Advantage of This Limited Time Offer!" This technique has been proven effective to increase online sales. It is imperative that you have a very strong call to action all throughout your sales copy.

Good Sales Copy Element #6: Include your contact information

Leaving your contact information is something that you need to do; you need to show this on your main page. It would be helpful if you provide your name, email address and phone number so that if they need to get in touch with you they can. This might seem like somewhat unimportant to some people however you would be surprised to see how many people overlook this step and end up paying for it dearly.

Good Sales Copy Element #7: Mention the benefits opposed features

On your sales copy, make sure to mention the benefits of using your product as opposed to the features of your product. For example, the phrase “comfy mattress” describes a feature but “Wake up relaxed and rested” goes further to show the benefits of the stated feature.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Audio Products -- 3 Tips To Produce Good Audio Products

What kind of things do your customers find interesting? This is one question that you should know if you are making information products. One of the easiest information products to make is audio products.

To be able to come up with an audio product that will sell you need to know what your prospects are looking for. Knowing the subject that your prospects find interesting will help you come up with audio products that will really sell.

If your prospects see that you offer the information or content that they seek, you greatly improve the odds of sales being made. You can do keyword research before you go and create your audio products. It is important that you know exactly the subjects of interest to your prospective readers.

Here are some things that you should know to make saleable audio products.

1. Invest time. Take time to create your audio products. In making your audio products you need to get your thoughts together and organized into a cohesive master plan for your audios. Be sure that you cover all the major topics you plan to discuss along with the subtopics that support them.

2. Quality. Like with any other products being sold out there quality is of great importance and something that should not be overlooked. For information products it is no different, value and quality are always important.

It is important that extensive research is done to come up with good quality audio products. Research should be done in various ways you can do an online search on the topic you wish to discuss, form a partnership for this project with other experts, or by reading books and papers.

Keep in mind that you have to use resources that are valid and those that can be trusted to be precise.

3. Marketing. Once you have finished producing your quality audio products, then it is time to start marketing it. Increase sales of your audio products by using some tried and tested online advertising programs.

Try using pay-per-click which is a well known strategy used in marketing, you can also try banner advertising, search engine marketing, article marketing, paid listing, search engine optimization and link building campaigns to mention a few. The methods I have mentioned will cost a little money, but the impact that a well run advertising campaign can have on final sales makes it well worth considering.