Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blogging it

Are you one of those people who spend their time writing about stuff? Like say for example, something spectacular happened to you today, and for you not to forget about it you write it down in a diary of some sort. A lot of people do that nowadays. However instead of using pen and paper they type it and post it on the web. This system is known as “blogging” which is short for Web Blogging. This system has become so popular these days everyone is posting his own story on the web.

The past couple of days I've been thinking of starting a series about BLOGGING. This system is interesting because it has a lot of potential. You can meet new people through blogs, your posts can help some people, and you can make money from it.
Blogging is not just a past time for some people, it's also their source of income. If you are good enough with writing this can be a full time job for you. So what benefits can you get from writing a blog:
  • Information - you can share photos, instructional videos and some other things that can help people in their everyday life
  • Promotion - you can use your blog to promote products / services. Say for example your blog has plenty of followers already you can start adding advertisers' banner on your blog site. Through this, you make your money without even doing anything.

Starting your blog is so easy. You do not have to be a computer genius to start a blog. There are various softwares to choose from out there. You can use Blogger, Wordpress and Typepad. All of which are easy to use and also proven effective. So how can you earn a substantial income from blogging? I will mention some strategies that you can follow to make your Blogging Enterprise a success.
  1. Flagship blog
  2. Get Paid to Blog
  3. Automated Blog
  4. Blog Networking

In the succeeding articles, we will go through each strategy mentioned above and discuss it in depth. For now, get a feel of the blogging software that you chose. Familiarize yourself, because soon enough we will be BLOGGING IT!

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