Friday, July 3, 2009

Key Elements Of Websites

There are days when your business slows down a bit; this is the best time to go over your website. Take advantage of the free time you have and modify your site. Sales are more likely to increase if your website is simple and more-user friendly. So, here are some elements that your site should have:

1. Attention-grabbing headline. The first thing visitors see should be a convincing headline. The headline should describe your product’s benefits. What can customers get from your product if they decide to purchase it? Headline is the key element of your online business. An attention-grabbing headline will persuade your visitors to stick around and look at the products that you offer.

A good sales letter should be clear, concise, and straight to the point. In short, a good sales letter should be well written enough to pique your customer’s interest. Make sure that you emphasize your product’s advantages.

2. Easy navigation. Confusing and complicated navigation is always a turn-off to visitors and prospects. Customers should know where they are at your site at all times. Make sure that they can always go back to pages that they have already visited. Make sure that your website’s navigation bar or menu is accessible and easy to understand.

3. An effective sales copy. Your sales copy is about the only contact you will have with your visitors. Take time to choose the words that you will use to describe the product/service that you are selling. These words will either make or break your business. Your sales copy should:

- Draw your customers to your products advantages and benefits

- Establish your credibility. No one in his right mind would buy from anyone they do not trust. Customers always look for someone whom they can rely on and trust.

- Make sure that you mention the importance of your product and why visitors need to purchase it.

4. Call to action. The right words will drive people to action; the wrong words will drive them to distraction. It is important that you clearly display your call to action and make it obvious to the visitor how they should proceed. Also, make it easy for them. If they have to complete a form, make it as short as possible; do not include unnecessary fields in the initial sign up.

5. Customer Testimonials. An important aspect of an online business is the establishment of its credibility. Visitors are hesitant of purchasing something online since they do not know what they will get if they buy from you. You should overcome this big hurdle if you are selling online. An effective solution to this dilemma is including customer testimonials. Consumers think that if other people have bought the product and are happy about it, chances are I am going to buy and be happy as well.

Whenever you have the time, review your website and create a list of “must do," things. Make it a point that you do everything in your "must do" list. These things will do wonders for your website. Do away with the non-essential clutter and always remember to make the sales process simple.Also, take the time to go through other sites especially those of your competitors to see how your site compares to them. After you updating your own website, ask some of your friends to go over it. Ask them what they think of it; was it difficult to navigate though your site? Their opinions will be helpful for more site improvements.

Remember that a good website always goes through a series of modifications. So do not be afraid of doing the same.

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