Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Find Traffic

Websites are the most effective marketing tool nowadays. It works for both the brick-and-mortar business and online business. It is not surprising that they turn to this channel given the low costs of putting up an online store; especially if the product that you are selling is downloadable and does not require a warehouse.

However many entrepreneurs wonder what they have to do to bring more traffic to their website. They want to know how they can lure their target market to their site. Here are some tips for those people out there running online stores. Hopefully it will help bring in more traffic to sell products and services on your website.

Presence helps improve traffic

Go where your customers are going. If your customers are communicating on a particular blog or if they are members of a certain forum, be sure to be there as well. Make it a point that you are actively participating where they are spending time online. Post and offer honest, sincere advice and not promoting your business actively in these forums or blogs, but passively. For example, the website address that goes with your signature is more than enough. After you build credibility as an expert, people will go to your site and it will become viral within the community--your targeted community.

Blogs and forums are just part of a bigger picture. You have the option to create your own group were you can build your own forum of people sharing ideas were you are the moderator and the list owner. However, be warned that you should not abuse your authority by spamming and selling.

Get in touch with complementary websites

If you are selling coffee, you try to pair it up with a product that complements like crème or sugar. Many will exchange affiliate links or just exchange banner ads, which is basically free advertising. Many site owners will be more than happy to do this.

Every entrepreneur’s goal is to translate web hits into sales. Sales can be done easily by rotating banner ads, not just ads through commission sites to make small amount of extra money, but to advertise your own services and products. If your website has an ad linking to a timely product, you can attract customers you might not have otherwise. Always remember that you should create an area where people can comment on your product / service.

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