Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Some Tips Before You Build Your Website

Are you an impulsive buyer? Was there ever a time that you regretted it because you were too impulsive and you basically were not able to plan it. The same thing goes for a website. We all know that if you plan on publishing your own website you need to spend money. In a time like this, wherein money is tight you need to make sure that you get the results that you want.

I personally use the internet to look for things that I need, and I am sure that a lot of people do the same. Has it ever happened to you that when you land on a website that is complicated and not good to look at you close it immediately? You actually do not take the time to look at products/services that they offer. This is most likely to happen if you rush your website’s publication. Sure, it is a good idea to have a website to market your products and services, but be sure that you at least take the time to come up with a presentable and user-friendly website. A bad website can give a negative image not only to your business but also your products.

Here are some tips that you have to consider before developing a website.

1. It is not a race. Do not be in a hurry to find a web designer. There is no rush. Finding the right web designer to suit your needs is like finding a partner. The time that you spend looking at websites, asking colleagues, and viewing portfolios is a time well spent. In the end, you will see that it was worth it, if you will consider the cost to rebuild your site. Site rebuilding usually happens when you hastily hired someone and this designer was not able to meet your needs.

When you see a good website, find out more on who designed it. This information is usually available at the bottom of the page.

2. Bring samples with you. Maximize the internet and try to research on different websites, write down the things you would like to have on your own site and things that you do not like. This should be done even before you walk into a web—designer’s office. For me, it is important that it is detailed. If you have to present a drawing of what is on your mind then do so. There is no harm in being detailed; after all, you are going to pay for their services. Web designers are creative people that is true, however in developing YOUR website you also have to give them some input for best results.

3. Be specific. You might barge into a web-designers office saying, “I want something that is cool.” Sure, there are plenty of ways to make a website cool, but just what is cool to you? What is cool to the designer may not be cool to you. A designer is there to help you decide what the best style for your site is. So, do not be shy to provide examples of how you want the website to look.

4. Make sure that you know what you are paying for. Deciding on how the website should look and actually building the website are two different processes of launching a site. Be sure that you understand everything that is stipulated in the contract, and what are the extra charges. Will it cost more if you decide to add an e-newsletter sign-up? Are they going to charge you for every e-commerce transaction you make? These are just a few questions that you should ask when you are negotiating the price and the deliverables because you might be responsible for some of them.

These are just a few tips that you should follow before you build your website. Creating your very own website is fun and exciting and it sure is worth the effort. Take the time to do it right, I mean if you are going for it might as well make the best right? There is no fun in re-doing it since it will cost you more money if you do it hastily and without proper preparation. Therefore, do not be in a hurry follow these tips and make your site the best one.

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