Every once in a while, we all get bored right? Say for example you’re doing the usual stuff all day every day; boredom will happen sooner or later.
For some bloggers this is normal. They tend to write everyday, and sometimes getting ideas on what to write becomes all too difficult. We all know that keeping blogs updated is important if you want to generate traffic.
So, what should we do when “BOREDOM,” strikes and we ran out of ideas?
Surf. Not the “surf” with waves and board. But surf the internet. The internet can provide plenty of information for bloggers like us. I mean there would come a time wherein we will run out of ideas. Surfing and doing some research on the internet is one way of generating new ideas.
Design. If you feel like you want a change of scenery, try re-designing your blog’s template. Make it look better and more attractive. Remember, a blog’s design is the first thing that catches the reader’s eye.
Old blogs. You can also go back to your old blogs, re-read them then edit if necessary. In addition, you can get ideas from what you have written before. Say for example you wrote about Google Adsense before, and then there were new additions to Adsense since your article, you can write about that. You can even do a comparison of the old and new Google Adsense, give your comments on which one is better and why.
No one can really blame you if you feel boredom sometimes. The important thing is you get back on track. Do not loose that focus and determination you have when you were starting out as a blogger. Those two things are important.
Keep on writing your quality blogs and keep it interesting for readers. Know that readers appreciate the things they learn from you.
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