Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blogging Benefits - 6 Benefits of Blogging

Blogging is just another inexpensive way wherein an entrepreneur can market his business. For people who are new to this a blog also known as web log is a collection of articles, videos, and graphics that is maintained by an individual or a group.

Currently there are around 14 million blogs and it is said that everyday 80,000 more are added to that figure. To make the long story short blogging has become so popular over the years and because of that plenty of people are now writing/composing their own blogs.

Blogging is not just for personal use (like you want to write everything that is happening to you) but it is also used for online marketing. Blogging has certain benefits that entrepreneurs should take advantage of.

One of the advantages of blogging is that it allows you to communicate with quite a number of customers and reach most of your business objectives. Blogging can also deliver results in a very cost-effective manner because it is indeed inexpensive.

Blogging is just one online marketing tool that entrepreneurs can use to market their business. So in today’s article we will discuss the various advantages of blogging.

Once you as the entrepreneur realize the advantages of blogging then you would be able to maximize the opportunities it represents. Blogging can be one of the best marketing tools you can use to promote your business. Here are some of the advantages of blogging:

Blogging Benefits #1: It has the ability to drive traffic to your website

The first advantage of blogging is that it is capable of driving traffic into your website. If you are an entrepreneur who is concerned by the lack of traffic that you are getting then one way wherein you can generate traffic is by writing a blog.

People are always on the look out for good information on the internet, and if you are able to provide them with what they are looking for (through blogging) then for sure people will flock to your website.

Blogging Benefits #2: It builds credibility

The second benefit of blogging is that it builds your credibility and it helps build that image of being an “expert.” By posting regularly on your blog about highly relevant topics then people will see you as someone who knows what is going on.

So how can this help your business? Well, once people perceive you as being an expert in your area then they will feel confident buying from you because you know what you are talking about.

Blogging Benefits #3: Boosts online visibility

In an online business, high visibility is important and by blogging you would be able to boost visibility. Boosting your online visibility is the third benefit one can get from blogging.

Through blogging you gain better placement on search engines which in turn will boost your visibility. More often than not blogs are linked in a way such that popular ideas and products can go viral without much effort coming from you.

Blogging Benefits #4: It gives your business a life

Blogging lets you connect with your customers as well as your prospects. This is a place where you can interact with them and in doing so you will be able to develop a relationship with your readers. Basically when you interact with your readers it is like you are giving voice or life to your website.

Being able to build a healthy relationship with your readers is just another benefit of blogging. You have no idea how many people out there crave for some sort of connection with the owner of the business. And blogging is one of the best ways to get in touch with your customers or prospects.

Blogging Benefits #5: Develop better customer service

The fifth blogging benefit that we are going to talk about today is its association with customer service. As what I have said earlier blogging lets you connect with people, your blog can also act as some sort of interactive FAQ, allowing your customers to put forward any questions that they might have; of course as the business owner it is your responsibility to answer these questions.

In your blogs you can also mention any updates that your products might have new promotions, how-to articles, and other information that is relevant and important to your customers. Whoever will come across your blog will be impressed for sure by your dedication to good customer service.

Blogging Benefits #6: You get instant feedback from people

The sixth blogging benefit is the feedback you get and how quick you get those. Blogging allows you to receive instant feedback and reviews on your products or your business in general. This speedy not to mention instantaneous reply will help you tweak and take action better to the market you are trying to target.

These six benefits that I have pointed out today are not the only benefits that you get from blogging. I am pretty sure there are more benefits out there. So, if you have other benefits in mind feel free to share it here.

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