Product reviews are written to provide customers the information that they need. This is basically exercised to help users make more informed purchasing decisions and improve your customer’s shopping experience. And we all know how much customer’s value shopping experience right?
The structure of a product review is really simple and anyone can write one. A product review is consisted of an introduction, an overview, and a summary.
Your product review page’s introduction consists of a few sentences outlining the problem and introduces a possible solution for your prospect, in this part you need not go into detail yet. The overview portion provides the consumers of the product's capability, an explanation of how the product is used. The last part which is the summary is almost a repeat of the introduction, and contains a strong recommendation for purchase based on your conclusions.
In writing your product review page, the following key elements must be present:
1. A product review page should include images or videos. It will be a big help to your consumers of you take the time to include an image or video of the product or service that you are reviewing. This will assist your customer to visually connect your review with the product or need that they are researching.
Including a photo or video is so easy to do. You can take a photo of the product yourself; you can also try using an image from the merchant’s website, take a screenshot of the website, or use a picture of you using the product. For some products, it is applicable for you to present a before and after picture.
If you are planning on including a video, then your video can feature things like: ordering/using/results, taking physical products out of the box, or an explanation of the product and its features.
2. A good product review page also includes the product description. In your product description you can mention things like size, number of pages, features, ordering process, delivery/package details, benefits, expected results, your specific results.
Customers nowadays are more meticulous when shopping online. They are more careful because there are a lot of scams going on. People would like to know what exactly they are going to get if they order this product today.
If you were able to try the product yourself then include your personal thoughts and personal experience about the product or what made you decide to purchase this product. This helps your customers relate to how you felt when you were purchasing or deciding whether to purchase the product yourself.
3. Your product review page should also include your buyer’s description. Who is this product for? This product is not suitable for whom? No product, like nothing has been made that suits everyone. Be sure to describe the perfect buyer in a manner wherein your reader can easily decide if this is the right product for them or not.
The main reason why you write a product review page is made is to make sure the right people buy the right product.
4. Include proofs on your product review page. You can include two types of proofs on your product page. There are two types of proof to include in your product review, you need to prove that you have tried the product and prove to customers that the product really works.
Not everyone believes in product reviews; they feel that these reviews are biased. People are skeptical of product reviews and believe that reviews are based on payment or compensation. Your job is to prove that you have the product yourself, and you are providing your customer with unbiased review.
Proof can be achieved by using photos or video, by describing the product in more detail than can be found on the merchant’s website, mentioning unadvertised bonuses, and by addressing the negatives.
5. Your product review page can also include “negative comments.” If the product has any negative comments it is also advisable that you include those, it may be a negative comment about the product itself, or with the ordering process, etc. Adding negative comments will make your product review page objective and will dramatically increase the ‘believability’ of your product review. If you just mention the good stuff on your review page then chances are your customers would be skeptical.
Do not be frightened of informing people of the product’s negative side. They are probably already thinking it, so this is your opportunity to address those thoughts and help them make an informed decision about making the purchase.
The important thing is that when you present something negative in your product review page you immediately follow it up with the resolution.
6. A product review page must also include a call-to-action. This is one crucial part that should not be forgotten. Your call-to-action tells your reader exactly what they should do next, and it needs to include very specific directions with a smooth transition.
Take a look at the landing page where you will be sending your visitors to from your product review page, and frame your call-to-action in a manner which encourages them to click through and lets them know exactly what to expect when they do click on the button.
7. As always your product review page must contain keyword phrase. Every piece of content that you create on the internet should be optimized for a specific keyword phrase and your product review page is no different from this. You may be optimizing your review for the actual product, or you may formulate your review around a specific problem or need. Choose your keyword phrase so that you attract the ideal prospects.
The structure of a product review is really simple and anyone can write one. A product review is consisted of an introduction, an overview, and a summary.
Your product review page’s introduction consists of a few sentences outlining the problem and introduces a possible solution for your prospect, in this part you need not go into detail yet. The overview portion provides the consumers of the product's capability, an explanation of how the product is used. The last part which is the summary is almost a repeat of the introduction, and contains a strong recommendation for purchase based on your conclusions.
In writing your product review page, the following key elements must be present:
1. A product review page should include images or videos. It will be a big help to your consumers of you take the time to include an image or video of the product or service that you are reviewing. This will assist your customer to visually connect your review with the product or need that they are researching.
Including a photo or video is so easy to do. You can take a photo of the product yourself; you can also try using an image from the merchant’s website, take a screenshot of the website, or use a picture of you using the product. For some products, it is applicable for you to present a before and after picture.
If you are planning on including a video, then your video can feature things like: ordering/using/results, taking physical products out of the box, or an explanation of the product and its features.
2. A good product review page also includes the product description. In your product description you can mention things like size, number of pages, features, ordering process, delivery/package details, benefits, expected results, your specific results.
Customers nowadays are more meticulous when shopping online. They are more careful because there are a lot of scams going on. People would like to know what exactly they are going to get if they order this product today.
If you were able to try the product yourself then include your personal thoughts and personal experience about the product or what made you decide to purchase this product. This helps your customers relate to how you felt when you were purchasing or deciding whether to purchase the product yourself.
3. Your product review page should also include your buyer’s description. Who is this product for? This product is not suitable for whom? No product, like nothing has been made that suits everyone. Be sure to describe the perfect buyer in a manner wherein your reader can easily decide if this is the right product for them or not.
The main reason why you write a product review page is made is to make sure the right people buy the right product.
4. Include proofs on your product review page. You can include two types of proofs on your product page. There are two types of proof to include in your product review, you need to prove that you have tried the product and prove to customers that the product really works.
Not everyone believes in product reviews; they feel that these reviews are biased. People are skeptical of product reviews and believe that reviews are based on payment or compensation. Your job is to prove that you have the product yourself, and you are providing your customer with unbiased review.
Proof can be achieved by using photos or video, by describing the product in more detail than can be found on the merchant’s website, mentioning unadvertised bonuses, and by addressing the negatives.
5. Your product review page can also include “negative comments.” If the product has any negative comments it is also advisable that you include those, it may be a negative comment about the product itself, or with the ordering process, etc. Adding negative comments will make your product review page objective and will dramatically increase the ‘believability’ of your product review. If you just mention the good stuff on your review page then chances are your customers would be skeptical.
Do not be frightened of informing people of the product’s negative side. They are probably already thinking it, so this is your opportunity to address those thoughts and help them make an informed decision about making the purchase.
The important thing is that when you present something negative in your product review page you immediately follow it up with the resolution.
6. A product review page must also include a call-to-action. This is one crucial part that should not be forgotten. Your call-to-action tells your reader exactly what they should do next, and it needs to include very specific directions with a smooth transition.
Take a look at the landing page where you will be sending your visitors to from your product review page, and frame your call-to-action in a manner which encourages them to click through and lets them know exactly what to expect when they do click on the button.
7. As always your product review page must contain keyword phrase. Every piece of content that you create on the internet should be optimized for a specific keyword phrase and your product review page is no different from this. You may be optimizing your review for the actual product, or you may formulate your review around a specific problem or need. Choose your keyword phrase so that you attract the ideal prospects.