If you are thinking of starting your own online business then you must have heard the term “landing pages” being used a lot. So, you might be asking what exactly are landing pages. The simplest definition I can think for landing pages is that it is a page where visitors land up after clicking on online ads or links present in emails and search engine result pages.
After we cleared out the definition of landing pages, let us now move on to its importance. Why exactly should online entrepreneurs pay attention to their landing pages? For one, landing pages play a very important role in SEO campaigns because it is the one that directs traffic towards your website.
Whenever people want to know something they go to their computer and then they input the keyword into search engines and expect to be directed towards its landing page. SEO campaigns leave a trail of landing pages which in turn provide an advantage to websites because prospects get to visit these pages directly without the interference of a third party. These pages take users straight to the page which has details about the keywords prospects typed in.
Conversion rates go up when the visitor clicking on the link makes a purchase. The visitor needs to be further convinced to inform allies and acquaintances and tell them about these services.
The more planned and well develop your landing pages are the better. Good landing pages means higher chances of success. Landing pages have the power to make or break your business. If by any chance the conversion rate remains lower than what you were expecting it only goes to show that the landing pages have failed miserably.
Here are the other advantages of a well planned landing page:
Landing Page Advantage #1: Boost online business conversion
Based on a research done by Omniture (largest technology company focused on CMOs and Online Marketers) did a study about landing pages. According to the study they made the usage of landing pages to target your campaign traffic resulted to an average increase of 25 per cent in terms of conversion rate.
With that fact to go with you should be thinking of using landing pages to direct your traffic too, I mean it is practical after all. If you look at many paid search campaigns send visitors to either the homepage or a registration form, which more often than not confuses visitors. A focused and targeted message will automatically yield better results.
Landing Page Advantage #2: It is more focused
When it comes to landing pages you only have to think about a single message that you want customers to know, hence the focus is stronger.
Before we go on any further, I want you to take a look at your homepage. Your homepage contains multiple messages as well as product pictures right? If you are a prospect there are times you would feel confused and disoriented with all of those things you see. However, with a landing page, there is only one headline, one unique selling proposition, one call to action and a single product photo. A landing page can remove a lot of the user confusion that produces poor conversion.
Landing Page Advantage #3: Uses simple measurement
As I have mentioned above a landing page contains only one call to action statement which in turn makes analytics easier. It is either, your customer takes the action you want or they do not, and it is as easy as that. If they do not, you can massage the page until they do.
A homepage contains over a dozen of links so whenever someone clicks on a link you lose the ability to measure the reasons for conversion success. You also run the risk of having your conversions affected by changes you might not be aware of.
Landing Page Advantage #4: Affiliate opportunities
Message match and trust can be improved for affiliate traffic by using co-branding. Co-branding is when marketers use logos from both parties on a destination page. Co-branding makes your customers feel secure that the offer given to them will be recognized and honored on the target website.
If you are going to depend on your page alone, this would be pretty difficult to come by. This specific step requires you to incorporate a code to differentiate the source, and modify the design so that it will show the logo of your affiliate.
Landing Page Advantage #5: No more design restrictions
Promoting a stand-alone landing page gives you a higher degree of freedom. With a landing page there is no need for you to obey the rules as imposed by your website design. Also, with a landing page there is more visual freedom to experiment.
Landing Page Advantage #6: Test and edit with hassle
Most websites have multiple owners and before a tiny detail is changed on that website permission from all the owners is required. So, by operating a stand-alone landing page you are basically separating yourself from the rest of the website and hence your landing page enjoys more freedom. If ever you need to test something then edit it after-wards, it should not be an issue or a hassle for you.
As soon as you have established your landing page’s base conversion rate, you can go ahead and proceed with testing. Subjecting your landing page through a series of tests will help you learn what your customers respond to.
Landing Page Advantage #7: Campaign liability
Assigning responsibilities is much easier if you separate different campaigns from the main website. If you have different people working to send traffic to your homepage you will never be able to accommodate the needs of each individual when it comes to changes for testing. However, with a stand-alone landing page, you can set up a culture of liability where individuals can be in possession of a campaign.